Mid-Week Prayer Service

- Prayer is the engine of the church.
- The Holy Spirit is the fuel of the church.
- Please join our mid-week prayer service on Wednesdays at 7pm at JDFC.
- Our current study is on, “The Holy Spirit, Activating God’s Power in Your Life.’ by Billy Graham.
Vacation Bible School

Life Groups

There are various life groups or cell groups that meet after service or throughout the week. Life group is an intimate group where you can be encouraged by sharing take-aways and testimonies related to the Sunday message and a place where you can pray for one another. It is also an avenue to be equipped and be trained to be your own life group leader. We highly encourage everyone to be part of a life group. If you are interested in joining a life group please reach out to our Discipleship Ministry head, brother Randle Dador.
Discipleship Process

We affirm that discipleship, the act and the process of training and raising up new believers to maturity who in turn raise up more believers to maturity, is a vital part of our ministry and duty as Christians. We seek to accomplish this by holding to a high view of church membership, leadership training, and relational ministry. Feel free to contact brother Randle Dador, our Discipleship Ministry head, about our Discipleship process, Life class, Destiny Training, Life groups and Mentoring for more information.